*********************************************************** * iCrypt: Simple encryption utility * * Rick Burton, Data Pathways - 4/23/2006 *********************************************************** FILES CONTAINED IN iCrypt.zip iCrypt.cpp - Source code README.txt - This file iCrypt.exe - Windows executable iCrypt - Linux/UNIX executable WHAT DOES IT DO? iCrypt encrypts any file based on a simple XOR algorithm. A key must be entered and can be up to 256 characters long. HOWTO: Encrypt a file: (text or binary) - Enter the command "iCrypt myfile.txt secret.txt". - When the prompt "Enter iKey:" displays, enter a key. - The file myfile.txt is encrypted as secret.txt and the original file is unaffected. Decrypt a file: - Enter the command "iCrypt secret.txt decoded.txt". - When the prompt "Enter iKey:" displays, enter a key. YOU MUST TYPE THE SAME KEY USED TO ENCRYPT THE FILE! - The file secret.txt is DEcrypted as decoded.txt and secret.txt is unaffected. TIPS * You may encrypt a file more than once with various keys of different lengths. Decryption will require using these keys in exact reverse order. * The key may include special characters such as {Tab}, {Space}, or {Ctrl+K} and must be typed exactly the same to decrypt. * When the command "iCrypt" is typed, useage help displays.